My Trading Hero — Co-Host An Interview With Your Hero

Global Prime
2 min readOct 5, 2021


What if you could have the opportunity to ask anything you ever wanted to your trading hero? At Global Prime, we’d like to make that dream come true!

We are committed to building a strong community of like-minded traders that keep getting astronomical value. Along this aim, we’ll do our best to connect with your trading hero for an epic interview.

But wait, it gets better. You know what’s the best part? You get the chance to co-host the interview with a member of the Global Prime Team.

How about that? Now, is there a recent precedent? You bet! Our client Norm was ‘over the moon’ when he co-hosted his trading hero Dr. Chan.

Wonder what Norm’s reaction was after the interview?

These are the steps to follow to get a shot at it. A form will pop soon after you connect to our website

Submit your name, client number, email address associated with your Global Prime live account, and most importantly, let us know who is your trading hero and why you’d like us to have him/her booked for the epic interview.

It will only increase the chances of that happening!

Note: While there is no guarantee to get your hero booked, we’ll do our utmost to make it happen. It will certainly paint it in a different light if our clients can endorse the trading heroes’ presence.

The Global Prime Team.



Global Prime
Global Prime

Written by Global Prime

Global Prime is a Forex and CFD provider that aims to democratise access to the financial markets

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